Summer and Winter Programs

United States Education Foundation faculty craft innovative, in-depth, site-specific summer and winter programs that take course content and make it come alive.

These programs are managed by the faculty leaders and academic departments so you are encouraged to reach out directly to the professor leading the program.

Course Description

Below are a few testimonials from the students and schools participating the programs run by USEF:

  • “I have been in America for about three weeks. During my stay, I learnt a lot of knowledge. I know American culture, I appreciated the beautiful scenic spots, and I also enjoy the delicious food.” – Estella Lu
  • “Americans touch me most with their politeness and patience,” – Estella Lu
  • “We experienced happiness, sadness and culture shocks during this twenty -one-day study tour in America.”
  • “Host mum did many interesting with us, such as shopping, swimming, and cooking…Mrs. Thompson, our English teacher allowing us to experience the American teaching methods.” – Chen
  • “My host family made me feel warm and safe.” – Kwok